Room control for heating/cooling with 6-way regulating ball valve,

room operating unit and dew point monitoring

Application description

Room control for heating/cooling with 6-way regulating ball valve, room operating unit and dew point monitoring

The room temperature measured by the room operating unit (ROU) or room temperature sensor (RTS)
is compared with the specified room temperature setpoint and converted by the control system
into the corresponding output signal for actuator control.

Heating or cooling mode can be selected manually. In automatic mode, the system automatically switches
from heating to cooling depending on whether the actual temperature is above or below the setpoint.

Darstellung der Heizungsregelung

The system consists of:

  • 6-way regulating ball valve with Smart Actuator (SA), type AKM115SAF232
    • Room operating unit with room temperature sensor and presence button (SA T-01|RU),
      optionally with additional room/radiation temperature sensor (SA T-01|Ni)
    • Dew point monitor (SA T-02|NO)